Our Tenants of FaitH

The Bible is the inspired and only infallible, authoritative written Word of God

There is One God, The Father of all things, maker of the Heavens and the Earth, all things seen and unseen

There is one Lord, Jesus Christ the Son of God begotten in Eternity, Born of the Virgin Mary, He lived a sinless life, He worked miracles, He died an atoning, vicarious death, He arose from the grave in bodily resurrection, He has ascended and been seated at the right hand of the Father. He will return in power

The Church will be raptured at Christ’s second Coming

The only means of purification from sin is by repentance and faith in the blood of Jesus

Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for personal salvation

The redemptive work of the Cross provides bodily healing and complete freedom from sin

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit that was poured out at Pentecost (Acts 2:4) is given to all believers who ask for it, with the evidence of Speaking in other tongues

The sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit empowers all believers to live a Holy Life

The resurrection of the saved and the lost, the first leading to everlasting life and the latter to everlasting damnation