Our Assignment is to see hearts awaken to the fullness of Jesus Christ. as a result, compelling all to proclaim the Gospel to those in darkness.

Jonathan Osteen encountered the presence of God at a very young age when the voice of God called him to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. This encounter pulled him into a deep desire to know the Word of God and begin to see the Holy Spirit poured out as promised in the Word.

Immediately he began preaching with a passion to see hearts awakened by the Holy Spirit just as he was. Along this journey, he met his beautiful wife, Aniston, and together they have one son named Isaiah. They travel proclaiming the Word of the Lord, wherever they are sent to go!

About Us

The origin of
Awakening Ministries

“On March first, 2020, I was in prayer and heard the voice of God speak so clearly these words, ‘Now Is The Time Of Awakening!’ When I heard this it shook me to my core, so I continued in prayer. The more I prayed the more His voice prevailed, for a month and a half the only words I heard were those words. It all culminated on April 15th, 2020, when I was in prayer over these words and God said, ‘Awakening Ministries,’ when I heard this I asked the Lord, ‘Lord what is this?’ He replied, ‘This is what I want you to name the ministry I have given to you, it is the ministry of awakening, now is the time.’ After hearing this I began to pray about when I should officially launch the ministry and I kept hearing, ‘August Awakening.’ At this time, a group of friends and I were crying out to God for him to come and bring revival to our home church in Louisiana. In the middle of a conference, I was scheduled to speak on August 1st, 2020. The Lord told me I was to launch the ministry that day. In that service, the Spirit of God broke in and launched our church into a Revival that still continues to this day. Since then we have seen the lost saved, the sick healed, and the bound delivered. Churches are being set on fire by the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Now is the Time of Awakening.”