Awakening Hearts to Jesus, The Son of God

“Therefore He says: Awake, O Sleeper, and Arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” —Ephesians 5:14

About Us

Awakening Ministries is the ministry of Evangelists Jonathan and Aniston Osteen. Our mission is to reach this lost, hurting, and broken world and equip the Body of Christ with the power to do the same.

It is our desire to see the lost saved, the Church awakened to the person of Jesus Christ, and to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God until all have heard this good news!

The Purpose of the Evangelist

To the world, the Evangelist is the messenger of the good news of reconciliation and redemption. Proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all those in darkness. To the Church, the Evangelist encourages, equips, and challenges the people to step outside of the walls of the church to proclaim the Gospel in their community.

What do we come for?

We desire to come into alignment with leaders in the body of Christ, serving them through spirit-led ministry.

We come for events, conferences, crusades, revival meetings, as well as individual services! Our desire is To see hearts awakened and heaven invade earth!


Thank you for your support of Awakening Ministries!
Your gift helps to extend our mission and spread the powerful message of Jesus Christ into the nations of the world.

For information about partnership see our page entitled “Awakening Army”



It would be OUR honor

to serve you!